Saturday, 19 October 2013

Recording our working-out...

After we had used materials to investigate word problems in Maths, we recorded our findings by using drawings, numbers and words.  Here are some examples of what we did.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Solving Maths Word Problems

During Term 4 we will be very busy solving problems... of the Maths kind!  This week we have learnt to do lots of new things to help us to do this.  Here are some of them:

*  solving problems by using materials like counters, multi-link,
   lolly sticks and teddy bears    
*  recording how we work things out, using drawings, words
   and number sentences     
*  writing our own word problems
*  identifying maths language in word problems

This is how we started at the beginning of the week with materials.

Welcome to Term 4!

Here we are at the end of the first week of the final term! With our focus on knowing about, and better understanding of how we as learners tick, check out our new Topic wall in Room 10!