Friday, 24 April 2015

Welcome back to the Room 10 blog.  As we kick-start our blog into action again, with a new set of students... take a look at some of the highlights of last term...

In Written Language, we learned to plan  using keywords... and then highlight them in our writing.

In Maths we learned to find fractions of amounts using materials.
Here we are making pizzas!

In Kiwisport, Steph came and taught us lots of new skills and games. Here we are learning striking skills, and playing games.

In the last week of term, each reading group re-visited a book they had read previously and we all had fun with follow-up activities, involving creating and making.

The Incredibles had read a book about bikes and they used plastic plates to display some of the facts they found in the text. It was tricky fitting the facts into the plates but they got there in the end!

The Minions had read lots of books about houses and homes... and a book about making a dolls house. Here they are making their own house from cardboard boxes... they even made wallpaper to decorate the walls!

The Transformers made their own little books about themselves. They learned to cut paper to fit the pages... and worked independently on their tasks. Well done this group!

Last but not least, the Superheroes made fruit kebabs. After reading a book about how to make them, 'Aisea and Sione designed their own kebabs.
Miss Woodward, Harper and Jennessy helped them to make them, and they had great fun!

... and then, the best part... the rest of the class ATE them!

Now we're all set to start our Term 2 blog... and talk about DIVERSITY!
Before we do... let's have a look at Elmer.
Elmer is an elephant who appears in many books. Elmer is a bit different to other elephants. Take a look...

(Our favourite was Elmer and the Rainbow)

Here we are working on our own Elmer pictures. We each created an Elmer that was different, and celebrated out own interests and cultures. As we wanted to create different patterns, and explore different colours, we tried them out in small areas in our books first.

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